Not really helping

A good friend is trying to decide whether or not to buy an iPhone, and I was attempting to help him reason it out.

Angel on one shoulder, Devil on the other, on the iPhone

“Steve Jobs officially owns June 29.”

So sayeth Jeff Harrell, upon the realization that Ratatouille opens nationwide today as well.

How do you know you have iPhone fever?

When, while watching a show recorded on your TiVo, and fast-forwarding through the commercials, you stop and back up to watch the iPhone commercial you’ve already seen about fifty times, then proceed to fast-forward through the remaining commercials.

links for 2007-06-29

LEGO Millenium Falcon Stop Motion

What do LEGO masters Paul Romein and Greg Radzimowski do with 38 hours of their time? This:

links for 2007-06-28

links for 2007-06-23

links for 2007-06-18

links for 2007-06-16

links for 2007-06-15