Today’s miscellany

Ron Moore, creator and executive producer of the best show on television, shares his favorite science-fiction tomes.


From the “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me” Department
“Hi, we’re Western Digital. Since our hard drives are slightly above average in performance and reliability, rather than making them top-notch, the industry’s best, we thought we would throw our research and development in to making clear cases for the drives, so you can see the inner workings…”
It actually is a rather impressive drive, specification-wise. I just prefer Seagates, when I can get them.


From the “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me” Department: Part Two
The mail arrived at the house today at approximately one o’clock this afternoon. I know this only because I was walking down the stairs at that moment, and saw the postal worker depositing today’s mail in our box.
Within today’s delivery was my latest order from the BMG music club of which I am still a member. I don’t order from them very often, waiting for the really good sales they have from time to time, but that’s not really the point here.
The point is that at approximately two-thirty, an hour and a half after I pulled the order out of the mailbox, an e-mail from BMG hit my In box, informing me my order had shipped.
Way to stay on top of things, guys.