One Gallon Axe

This is fairly awesome.

Doesn’t that make you want to drink milk?

The Empire Strikes Back. In 60 seconds.

To quote Geekdad, where I first saw this: “Sheer brilliance.”


Taken is an upcoming film written by Luc Besson and starring Liam Neeson as the dad you don’t want to make mad by hurting his little girl:

Unfortunately, it doesn’t release here in the States until September. Brent, Nathan, this gets a thumbs-up from me.

AirHogs Press Conference

The Grand Prairie AirHogs are a new minor league team in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, and we have some footage from a recent press conference:


Dallas Morning News story on the new AirHogs

The AirHogs season begins in May, and I’m looking forward to taking in a game or two this year.

Ride’em, cowboy!

This past weekend, we spent a few days visiting my parents in the suburbs of Birmingham. (That would be Alabama, not England. Just in case it wasn’t clear.)
My dad pulled my old rocking horse, Donut, out of storage, cleaned up the parts, and assembled him in the basement, all for my son to ride while we were visiting.

If you want to see a slightly larger version, click on the video.

I got Donut about the same age as the little phisch is now, roughly 1974. The nostalgia from watching my own child ride the same horse I did thirty-three, thirty-four years ago, was overwhelming.

Dog’s Best Friend

This is fairly awesome.

REM + Muppets = Furry, Happy Monsters

How can you go wrong when you mix REM and The Muppets?

Twitter in Plain English

Whenever I bring up Twitter, I always get asked what it is. The best description I’ve mustered to date is “It’s a microblog”, which doesn’t fully do Twitter justice. Lee LeFever of the Commoncraft Show, has a easy-to-follow explanation:

So if you’re intrigued enough to check out Twitter, look me up, and feel free to follow my updates.

Re: Your Brains

This is for my pal Nathan:

[Wave of the phin to Grant.]

If George had hired Saul

Opening credits of Star Wars, Saul Bass-style:

[Wave of the phin to Laughing Squid.]